We are Mathematicians!
Maths Curriculum Intent
St Martin’s Catholic Primary School recognises that maths is both a key skill within school, and a life skill to be utilised through everyday experiences. A high-quality maths education provides a firm foundation for understanding how maths is used in everyday life and activities, developing pupils’ ability to reason mathematically.
Through the teaching of maths, we aim to develop:
- A positive attitude towards maths and an awareness of the relevance and value of maths in the real world.
- A process of enquiry and experiment.
- An ability to solve problems and think logically in order to work systematically and accurately.
- An ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others.
- Competence and confidence in pupils’ maths knowledge, concepts and skills.
- An appreciation of the creative aspects of maths and an awareness of its aesthetic appeal.
At St Martin’s Catholic Primary School, we have adopted a mastery approach in order to deliver the three aims of the National Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. To support our pupils in achieving this, we apply 'The Teaching for Mastery Five Big Ideas': coherence, representation & structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and variation whilst using Mastering Number in Reception and Power Maths in KS1 and KS2. In addition to their Power Maths lessons, KS1 and Years 3, 4 and 5 have Mastering Number timetabled four times a week. Year 6 have maths fluency through using Arithmagician. Reception also explictely teach Shape, Space and Measure using the NCETM Progression Charts. In Tiny Steps, pupils follow the Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters guidance for mathematics.
Power Maths is a textbook approach recommended by the Department of Education. Lessons are sequenced pedagogically accurately and support the small steps necessary for all children to be able to access the intended learning. The small steps also help the children to see how learning from previous years or lessons supports their learning within new units and lessons. Below you will find a 'Power Maths Presentation' to show you what it looks like for Years 1-6 and why we choose it for our children at St Martin's.
In addition to the schemes of work that we follow, we use Times Tables Rock Stars in KS2, where the children become 'rock stars' as they compete to learn their times tables.
NSPCC - Number Day 2025
The Maths subject leads are Mrs Williams (EYFS & KS1) and Mr Scott (KS2)