
The school governors at St Martin's Catholic Primary School are all volunteers drawn from the Church and School community.

Our governors have a vital role in the leadership and management of the school.  They set policies and take strategic decisions about the direction of the school and deployment of resources.  Along with the senior leadership team they closely monitor performance and drive standards.

The Chair of Governors is contactable via letter in a sealed envelope addressed to the school and marked for the attention of the 'Chair of Governors'

Foundation Governors (appointed by the Bishop)

S. Cassidy (Chair of Governors)

A. Grindrod 

A. Bennett

J. Orme

J. Maloney

J. Webster 

1 vacancy

Local Authority Appointed Governor

A. Fitzpatrick

Elected Governors

V. Shepherd (Parent and Vice Chair)

T. Smith(Parent)
A. Monks (Staff)

N. Eccles (Co-Opted)

Head Teacher
Mrs C. Ming

Mrs. S. Parker (Associate)


: Clerk to Governors (School Improvement Liverpool Governor Services) 

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