We are Citizens!
Our cultural capital and pastoral offer
In St Martin's children's mental health and wellbeing is placed as one of our main priorities as we believe that children need to be happy to learn. We are a nurturing school and inclusion is fundamental to our ethos and values. We do also offer interventions such as ELSA and resilience group work and work closely with the Mental health support team.
We have a full time family support worker who works with the whole family in providing support, assistance, training and a listening ear. To contact Mrs Iddon you can email fsw@st-martins.halton.sch.uk
" Pupils, including children in the early years, arrive at school happy and ready to learn. Staff forge positive relationships with pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This helps pupils to feel safe in school."
We know that by giving children many different opportunities and experiences we can enhance their wellbeing so we try to give a range of activities from school day trips and residentials, to visitors, workshops, extra-curricular clubs, competitions and fundraising opportunities. We also have a school dog named Charlie, who supports children in a number of ways.
We are a Thrive School!
Thrive offers a trauma-informed, whole school or setting approach that helps to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. We do this by providing you with training, resources and an award-winning online tool, so you can better understand the needs of your pupils and provide targeted, effective support where it’s needed.

The school also has the 5 Ways to Wellbeing award and each term we focus on one of these areas.
Autumn - Connect
Spring - Be Active
Summer - Take Notice
Keep learning happens every day all year!
Give - we raise funds and support charities each term