Health and well-being


At St Martin's we value the importance of keeping healthy, both mentally and physically.

Each term we focus on a different aspect of the 5 ways to well being -

Autumn - Connect

Spring - Be Active

Summer - Take Notice


Keep learning happens every day all year!


Give - we raise funds and support charities each term, This year we have donated to...

Autumn - Children in Need; MHW NHS appeal (Elf run); The Royal British Legion; Macmillan Cancer Care

Spring - The Good Shepherd Appeal (Caritas Shrewsbury); Comic Relief; 

Summer - 


Each week we have 

'Mindful Monday'

We have a range of interventions and support in school to help maintain mental wellness.

Massage from the Wellbeing Lady, Magic sessions to boost self esteem and confidence, Drama sessions, 

ELSA and Nurture and The Mental Health Support team.



We support staff in looking after their wellbeing and encourage a good work/life balance. 

The Senior Mental Health Lead in school is Mrs Ming.