At St Martin’s Primary we believe that attending school regularly is one of the foundations of successful learning helping to prepare children for the world of education, work and adult life.
Since COVID school attendance has significantly fell. Government targets are for all children to achieve AT LEAST 96% attendance every year. Currently our school attendance is 91%
All children can arrive at school from 8.40am and learning begins as soon as they enter the class room. The official register is closed at 8.50am and all children must be in their classroom to get a mark in the register. Children who arrive after this time will be marked as late and must be signed in at the office. If your child arrives after 9:30am it will be recorded as unauthorised absence for the whole morning session.
Our target for the whole school attendance is 96%. Being late also impacts on children’s learning and well-being.
When children miss school they miss out. Not only on their learning but also on what is going on with their friends and special events going on in school.
We want our school to have the best attendance, so that our children can experience as much as they possibly can.
This is achieved by working together.
Parent / Carer responsibilities:
- To ensure your child attends school regularly and on time.
- To inform school before 9am on the first day of a child’s absence.
- To keep in contact with the school should there be difficult home circumstances requiring support from the school.
- To not take holidays during term time as these will be unauthorised and a penalty notice may be issued. (Holidays are strictly not allowed in term time)
- To ensure the school has three current emergency contact names and numbers. The child should know these 3 people.
- To take medical and dentist appointments outside school time if possible.
- To co-operate with the school in our aim to improve attendance.
The School’s Responsibilities:
- Inform parents of their responsibilities for maintaining regular attendance for their child.
- A letter informing parents of their child’s attendance using the traffic light system will be sent each half term
- 97-100% - Good - Outstanding - GREEN LIGHT
- 94-96.9% - Satisfactory - AMBER LIGHT
- 93.9% and below - Unsatisfactory - RED LIGHT
- We aim to support any family in difficulties or crisis.
- Refer families requiring support to the Education Welfare Officer as necessary.
- We will actively seek Court Prosecution when needed, but we do this as a very last resort.
- Children will be rewarded for good attendance
- If a class gets 100% in a week they will be given extra playtime
- Each week the class with the best attendance and lowest lates will get a star – at the end of the term the class with the most receives a reward like a trip to the park or breakfast picnic
- Classes get attendance stars every time they have 100% attendance - when they have 10 they get a reward such as own clothes day or a movie afternoon
- Children with 100% in a term will get certificates and badges
- Children with 100% in a year will get certificates, badges and a voucher
To raise standards, please be aware, letters will be sent from the Education Welfare Services if there are any concerns and for some unauthorised absences, Fixed Penalty Notices will be issued.
Research shows that the closer a school and family work together the more likely a child will succeed.
How parents can help get their children to school everyday
Only allow your child days off school for genuine illness. Days off for anything other than genuine illness will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. See the attached document for details of which illnesses need time off.
You MUST phone school or use the app as soon as possible to tell us why your child is absent before 9am and when they are expected to return. Save the school number in your phone – this will save you time, 01928711207.
Examples of Authorised Absences:
- Genuine illness of a pupil
- Medical appointment (evidence required)
- Religious observance
- Bereavement of a close relative
Examples of Unauthorised Absences:
- Tired/overslept/ late night/weather
- Illness of a parent or carer – we will help out getting your child to and from school
- Unauthorised holiday
- No clean uniform
- Child didn't want to come in
- Buying new shoes
- Older child’s school had an inset day
If a child’s attendance goes below 90% we will require medical evidence of any illness.
This week's attendance:
Whole school: 94%
Class | Number of lates | % attendance |
EYFS | 8 | 91% |
Y1 | 4 | 97% |
Y2 | 7 | 91% |
Y3 | 8 | 98% |
Y4 | 10 | 94% |
Y5 | 13 | 89% |
Y6 | 12 | 97% |